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AIE exists to exceed the expectations of the people we serve. This includes not only our customers/clients, but also our local and global community. 


As part of this commitment, we have committed to supporting Show Hope, an organization that makes it possible for families to adopt children in need. We are doing this through committing to giving a $5000 Life Hope Sponsorship--the cost of one adoption grant.


To make this adoption grant possible, we need everyone's help. If this is something you would like to be involved with, I challenge you to give by following the directions below. 

LifeHope Sponsorship

(when giving online, be sure to select your fund designation as "Adoption Aid" then select "make a donation on behalf of your organization" and type in "American Ironworks" to make sure your money goes to the correct grant.)


The organization Show Hope restores the hope of a family to orphans in distress. One of the ways they do this is by empowering families to adopt through their LifeHope Sponsorship, which fully funds one Adoption Aid grant for a family each year. This grant is $5000. In 2015, we are committing to providing one of these grants. 


Click here to learn more about the LifeHope Sponsorship. 

How This Works

The grant is $5000. We have committed to giving one full grant and need everyone's help to reach our goal. Once we have reached the $5000 goal, ShowHope will match us up with the family to whom they have given the grant, and we will receive updates on the adoption progress.

How To Give

Online: with a debit/credit card or a paypal account by clicking on the red button below the video. BE SURE TO GIVE ON BEHALF OF AMERICAN IRONWORKS FOR THE DONATION TO GO TOWARD THE CORRECT GRANT. 


Check: turning in a check to foremen who will turn it in with their weekly paperwork made out to "Show Hope" with "American Ironworks LifeHope Sponsorship" written in the subject line or mailing it to PO Box 13248, Spokane Valley, WA 99212. 


Cash: Giving cash directly to Jackson Andrews who will then put it directly into the Sponsorship account and keep a written record of all cash donated. If you would like a cash receipt, simply let him know. 

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